
Modding a flash game for April Fools

Flash games are a part of the Internet's history. You could find so many things, including modded variants of those. I was wondering if I could make one of games to switch from fancy to cursed insanity with few changes.


You all probably know about Barbie from Mattel. Toy that seems to represent everything that a kid would want. My sister did have some dolls, and she did visit Barbie's website to play games, since we didn't have any budget to actually buy any.

Even then, I did stumble upon checking out some of the games on Barbie's website for a joke. I do remember messing around with Barbie's Cake Maker, where you just basically put a bunch of decorations all over the cake and spam the hell out of "Surprise!" sounds.

I had no idea what I was going to do for an April fools' joke for my YouTube channel. When I've managed to get JPEXS Flash Decompiler to mess around with some other flash games, that basically gave me an idea of modding this fancy game into a more or less cursed one. Sure enough, I could bet I was drunk as hell back then.

With some luck and editing some text, she went from nice to naughty.

Intro cursing

Barbie tells you to back off.

The reason for this was pretty much due to an internal community joke of referencing The Tourettes Guy, along with a recent influx of horrible (technically even inappropriate) flash games aimed at kids. Hell, most of such flash "games" these days are somehow way worse than most NSFW stuff from Newgrounds ironically.


Luckily, this was pretty simple since all I had to do was change most of the text lines, and change the sound from "Surprise!" to "F*CK SALT!". I had some assistance from my friends to change few lines.

Not all the text could be modified, unless I bothered to change most of vectorized sprites.

Choice cursing

You can still see the original text behind modded text.

As an example in here, text was replaced in following ways:

Take note that first two suggestions were provided by friends who live in Brazil, so blame them for that.

That wasn't the only problem. Whenever you try hovering over the cake, Barbie will say something. If it's too long, the message will overlap over the speech bubble. This was improvised in some way to just shrink the spacing in some ways.

Frostings were usually some fancy colors like pink, purple, blue, peach, lime and orange. These were replaced with some unpractical "frostings" like clay, magma, grime, meth, acid and butt. Sure enough, some of those will keep you alive somehow, but with regrets.

Beauty cursing

Barbie telling you (technically me) that your (mine) decoration skills suck. Plus, the message box is nearly broken.

Decorations were replaced with "poisoned flavorings", so just put your imagination on sparkles being radioactive uranium pellets as an example.

I did skip the "delivery" process in this case since it wasn't functional anyway, plus I had to add some additional and loose cursing.

Sure enough, I don't think we can expect Barbie Cake Maker Surgery Elsa flash game at this point since it seems that flash games are technically gone and only things that are left are HTML5 games. If you let your kid have internet access, at least provide them some good solid games. Hell, going with most console games with an emulator, or open source games could go well for a start.


Since this is simply a quick and rush April Fools video, it's also available to check it out here.

Sunny final cursing

Presented cake, with broken banner text. On bottom left you can play "F*CK SALT" constantly.

Once again, this was most likely made when I had no clue what to do.